Thursday, May 11, 2006

Stock Earnings: Eu Yan Sang International

Traditional Chinese medicines provider Eu Yan Sang International Ltd third quarter to March results:
Sales - 51.61 mln sgd vs 46.74 mln
Pretax profit - 5.56 mln sgd vs 4.76 mln
Net profit - 4.35 mln sgd vs 3.47 mln
EPS - 1.20 cents vs 0.97

Nine months to March results:
Sales - 137.31 mln sgd vs 123.47 mln
Pretax profit - 14.31 mln sgd vs 11.85 mln
Net profit - 10.91 mln sgd vs 8.74 mln
EPS - 3.02 cents vs 2.44


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